Central Banking Asia Summit

High-level discussions between central bankers which will explore the latest trends and innovations that are reforming global finance.<br /> <br /> Attendees will benefit from an interactive format of panel sessions, roundtables, keynote speeches and working groups.


Central Banking Asia Summit

Bangkok, Thailand, July 24-25 

Register interest


Innovation in global finance
  • Cutting-edge digital currency developments
  • Cross-border innovation
  • Taking advantage of emerging trends 
Central Bank Digital Currency
  • Practical steps towards implementation
  • Impact on local economies 
  • Integration into existing financial systems 
Financial connectivity
  • Implications of controlled connections 
  • Currency co-operation
  • Direct exchange rate quotations and easing of regulations 



Central Banking's Asia Summit will be held in collaboration with Bank of China (Hong Kong).

This exclusive event will facilitate high-level discussions between central bankers which will explore the latest trends and innovations that are reforming global finance.

Attendees will benefit from an interactive format of panel sessions, roundtables, keynote speeches and working groups.  


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